Jillian Plochocki
Executive Director
Proton Collaborative Group (PCG)

Charles B. Simone, II, MD, FASTRO, FACRO
Chief Medical Officer
New York Proton Center

Figure 1: Registry Enrollment Per Year
Activated in 2009, PCG’s proton therapy registry has become the largest, multi-institutional proton therapy registry in the world. The registry currently houses over 33,000 patients treated with proton therapy enrolled by 27 proton therapy centers across the U.S. The registry collects a vast array of clinical data – patient and tumor characteristics, treatment details, acute and late toxicities, and clinical outcomes – customized to disease sites, as well as full DICOM-RT files for each patient that has completed proton therapy treatment.
Figure 1 shows the registry enrollment per year with the 2024 enrollment projected to be over 5,500 patients.

Figure 2: Patient Registry Status
Figure 2 shows the current status of the cases enrolled in the registry, with 65% of cases in follow-up. It is worth noting that the registry does not have an end date, and we request annual follow-up for as long as the enrolling site is able to obtain it.

Figure 3: Cases Per Disease Site
Figure 3 breaks down the registry by the number of cases enrolled per disease site, which is based on disease location and histology.
Prostate, head and neck, and breast cases make up the top three sites enrolled with 32%, 12%, and 10% respectively.
PCG data has appeared in over 120 conference presentations, posters, and peer reviewed publications including over 30 published manuscripts. Having robust data that generates information supporting the value of proton therapy is crucial for demonstrating its clinical benefits and cost-effectiveness, which can drive wider adoption and insurance coverage. Moreover, comprehensive data collection can identify trends and refine treatment protocols, moving the industry forward by continually improving patient outcomes and advancing the overall field of particle radiotherapy.
For a list of journal articles please visit the link below:
For a complete list of PCG publications please visit the following link:
Proton Collaborative Group (PCG) is committed to improving the outcomes of cancer patients by working collectively to advance the role of particle radiotherapy in cancer treatment. PCG serves as the link between state-of-the-art treatment centers, expert physicians, innovative and high-quality collaborative research, and the largest and most comprehensive proton therapy database in the world.
We bring together the brightest minds and most experienced professionals in the field of proton therapy. In this distinguished guest contributor series, experts share invaluable insights, breakthrough research, and real-world experiences in advancing proton therapy. Join us as we delve into the world of proton therapy, exploring its intricacies and potential through the eyes of those who know it best. Interested in becoming a contributor? Email for more information.